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Jouet > Produits pour bébés

Munchkin® White Hot® Safety Bath Ducky Toy, Yellow: Making Bath Time Safe and Fun

Bath time is a special bonding moment between parents and their little ones, but it can also be a source of worry. How do you ensure the water is just the right temperature for your baby? With Munchkin® White Hot® Safety Bath Ducky Toy, Yellow, you can put your worries aside and make bath time not only safe but also incredibly enjoyable for your little munchkin!

Enfant Jouant Dans La Baignoire Avec Des Jouets

The key feature of this adorable bath toy is the White Hot Safety Disc, designed to keep your baby safe from water that’s too hot. Simply place the ducky toy in the water, and if the temperature is 104 degrees Fahrenheit or above, the word « HOT » appears in white on the safety disc. This innovative technology takes the guesswork out of bath time, ensuring your baby’s delicate skin is always protected.

But safety is not the only thing this ducky toy offers. Its fun, easy-to-grasp size and shape make it the perfect companion for your little one during bath time. The bright yellow color and friendly ducky face will capture your baby’s attention, making bath time an exciting and playful experience. Plus, the toy is watertight, preventing it from sinking or squirting water unexpectedly, giving your baby hours of splashing fun!

Make bath time a delightful and safe experience for your baby with Munchkin® White Hot® Safety Bath Ducky Toy, Yellow. It’s not just a toy; it’s a trusted companion that ensures your baby’s well-being while adding a splash of fun to every bath.

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